Dr Gangwani is an experienced Dermatologist who currently works at the Department of Dermatology at St Luke's Hospital in Bradford. He finished his training in India and worked as a Consultant for a few years in New Delhi and gained substantial experience in Laser in Dermatology before moving to England.
He holds the distinction of being one of the youngest Dermatologists to have held the position of Honorary Secretary adn Vice President of the Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists (IADVL-DSB).
After moving to England, Dr Gangwani worked at different NHS trusts in the Midlands before taking up the position of Consultant at Bradford in February 2022. He has been the acting Speciality Lead for Dermatology since December 2022 and is a core member of the Skin Cancer Multidisciplinary Team (MDT).
Dr Gangwani is active in research and is the Principal Investigator of a number of ongoing trials.