Upper Blepharoplasty At A Glance

Treatment Time


60 minutes procedure

Treatment Price icon


£2295 and £195 consultation

Treatment Info icon


Surgery with a Consultant

Recovery Time icon


2-4 weeks, final results in 12 weeks

Recommended icon


Rest, expect bruising & swelling

Avoid icon


Drive (24hrs), cut / pull stitches

Upper Eyelid Surgery (Upper Blepharoplasty) in Leeds

An Upper Eyelid Lift or Upper Blepharoplasty is a specialist eyelid surgery procedure that removes the folds of loose skin and bulges of protruding fat which sit over the upper eyelids, to produce a less-tired and more youthful appearance.

As a result of the downward pull of gravity and loss of elasticity in the skin, the skin and muscles around the eye weaken and stretch resulting in an accumulation of loose skin and protrusion of fat resulting in “eye-bags” or a hooded appearance of the upper eyelid skin. This trait may run in families and may be accelerated by the effects of smoking, sun-exposure and weight-loss.

Upper Blepharoplasty Upper Eyelid Lift Surgery in Leeds, Bradford and Yorkshire

What are my treatment options for Eyelid Surgery?

Upper Eyelid Lifts are done by means of an Upper Blepharoplasty.

An Upper Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure carried out, under local anaesthetic, by one of our Consultant Plastic Surgeons, in our Minor Operations Suite (MOPS).

An Upper Blepharoplasty is a skilled procedure and we would recommend that you choose a surgeon who has undergone a full training programme for cosmetic surgery. These surgeons will be on the Specialist Register of Plastic Surgery at the General Medical Council.

Mr Watt, Mr Williams, Mr Bains, Mr Mather and Mr Shariff are on the Specialist Register of Plastic Surgery and are full members of the British Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (www.bapras.org.uk).

To help you with your treatment decision, this is a comprehensive page with treatment information, surgery videos, surgeon profiles and a huge number of patient reviews and testimonials.

Use the links below to scroll straight to the information you want to see.

Jump to:

Life is the same, but I don’t look the same. I have eyelids. It is funny but I cannot remember what they looked like before the surgery. It feels like my upper eyelids have always looked like this.
- Alison, treated July 2023

Upper Blepharoplasty Before and After Photos

Kelsey was treated in Autumn 2021 by Mr Williams. Check out her before and after photos:Upper Blepharoplasty Before and After photos - Recovery and Results (top to bottom, left to right) Before the procedure, the next morning, 2 days after, 5 days after, 14 days after and the final results.
Kelsey's Story >

Upper Eyelid Surgery (Upper Blepharoplasty) Video

See an Upper Blepharoplasty procedure by Mr Robert Bains

More Eyelid Surgery Videos

See Upper Blepharoplasty procedures with Consultant Plastic Surgeons Mr David Watt and Mr Mather.

Patient Stories

Hear from a range of patients about their experience of having Upper Blepharoplasty surgery at our clinic.

Upper Eyelid Surgery (Upper Blepharoplasty) Treatment prices

All procedures are carried out by a Consultant Plastic Surgeon.

Consultation with Consultant Plastic Surgeon£195
Procedure for BOTH EYES£2295
Review with Consultant Plastic SurgeonFREE
Review with a NurseFREE

Considering this procedure?

Treatment begins with a consultation with your experienced specialist Consultant Plastic Surgeon, who will assess your condition and answer all of your questions about surgery.

Upper Eyelid Surgery (Upper Blepharoplasty) Patient Stories

Learn more about eyelid lift surgery from patients who have been treated at our clinic.

Upper Blepharoplasty Patient Story: Kelsey

Follow Kelsey's full journey in this video.

YouTube video

Read more about Kelsey's planning, procedure and recovery from eyelid lift surgery.

Upper Blepharoplasty Patient Story: Hannah

Follow Hannah's journey and see her before and after photos in this diary video.

YouTube video

Read more about Hannah's research before and healing from upper blepharoplasty.

Upper Blepharoplasty Patient Story: Kirsty

Kirsty was treated by Mr Watt in March 2022. She completed a diary of her journey before treatment and during her recovery afterwards.

Kirsty's Eyelid Surgery Story: Before and Four Weeks After
(Left: before surgery, Right: 4 weeks after)

Read more about Kirsty's decision to have this procedure, and each stage of recovery, leading to her amazing final results.

Who carries out this procedure

What is the process for Upper Blepharoplasty?

Upper Blepharoplasty (upper eyelid lift surgery) is one of our most popular procedures. We currently carry out over 200 of these procedures annually.

Here is the process from enquiry to procedure:

  • The first step is to book a consultation with one of our five Consultant Plastic Surgeons, this costs £195
  • There is usually a minimum of a two week wait for an appointment, sometimes more
  • As we have a lead time for the actual surgery, the majority of people book a surgery slot at the same time (a £500 deposit is payable)
  • At your consultation, our Consultant Plastic Surgeons will assess your eyelids and discuss the results you hope to achieve
  • If you are not suitable for surgery, we will direct you back to our reception desk and your £500 procedure deposit will be refunded in full
  • Not everyone is suitable for the procedure – our Consultant Plastic Surgeons will give a totally honest opinion on whether you are suitable. We are very upfront about this.
  • On average 73% of the people that we see are suitable for the procedure
  • Unfortunately, the remaining 27% are not suitable. We will not carry out the operation if we don't believe you will get the result that you want

The consultation

As upper eyelid surgery needs to be carefully discussed and planned, we do not offer an Online Consultation service for Blepharoplasty patients.

At your consultation, your Consultant Plastic Surgeon will examine your eyes to ensure that you are suitable for treatment, discuss the procedure and talk through your expectations after treatment.

The procedure

The incision lines (and scars) run in the natural crease of the upper eyelid. These incisions are extended a little way into the crow’s feet or laughter lines at the corner of the eyes. Through this incision surplus fat is removed and excess skin and sagging muscle removed. Eyelid scars fade with time and are normally barely visible after some months.

There will be no improvement in folds of skin below the eye socket. If the folds of skin on the upper eyelid are due to drooping of the eyebrow, then a brow-lift, together with an upper blepharoplasty, may be recommended.

After surgery patients are able to go home the same day. Bruising lasts about one week and we would recommend a return to work after the bruising and swelling has subsided. The sutures are usually removed after 7 days and soon after you will be able to use make-up.

Before surgery you should avoid taking tablets containing aspirin and non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen and Diclofenac for at least two weeks before surgery as they increase the risk of bleeding.

All surgery, including cosmetic surgery, runs the risk of complications. For some types of eyelid surgery there is a tiny risk of blindness. These and all aspects of the surgery including cost will be discussed with you during your consultation.

Where does the procedure take place?

The procedure takes place in the Minor Operations Suite Skin Surgery Clinic in Leeds. We are a Care Quality Commission registered medical clinic.

After the procedure

Following your surgical procedure you will be provided with detailed aftercare information and you will be asked to attend a review appointment approximately 7 days later with your surgeon to assess the healing and to remove your sutures.

Do I need a referral from my GP to have Upper Eyelid Surgery?

No, a GP referral is not necessary. Many of our patients do come to us with a referral from their GP, but it is not a requirement. We are medically registered to be able to treat you if you self-refer to us.

How can I learn more about treatment and recovery?

Many of our patients have been kind enough to share their stories with us, from first consultation to final results. They do this in order to help others who are considering treatment to determine if it's right for them.

Read our patient stories here >

Considering this procedure?

Treatment begins with a consultation with your experienced specialist Consultant Plastic Surgeon, who will assess your condition and answer all of your questions about surgery.

Before and After

Eyelid Lift by Upper Blepharoplasty Eyelid Lift Leeds before and after pictures
Eyelid Lift by Upper Blepharoplasty Eyelid Lift Leeds before and after pictures
Eyelid Lift by Upper Blepharoplasty Upper Blepharoplasty Leeds before and after pictures
Eyelid Lift by Upper Blepharoplasty Upper Blepharoplasty Leeds before and after pictures
Eyelid Lift by Upper Blepharoplasty Upper Blepharoplasty Leeds before and after pictures
Eyelid Lift by Upper Blepharoplasty Upper Blepharoplasty Leeds before and after pictures
Eyelid Lift by Upper Blepharoplasty Upper Blepharoplasty Leeds before and after pictures
Eyelid Lift by Upper Blepharoplasty Upper Blepharoplasty Leeds before and after pictures
Eyelid Lift by Upper Blepharoplasty Upper Blepharoplasty Leeds before and after pictures
Eyelid Lift by Upper Blepharoplasty Upper Blepharoplasty Leeds before and after pictures
Eyelid Lift by Upper Blepharoplasty Upper Blepharoplasty Leeds before and after pictures
Eyelid Lift by Upper Blepharoplasty Eyelid Lift Leeds before and after pictures
Eyelid Lift by Upper Blepharoplasty Upper Blepharoplasty Leeds before and after pictures
Eyelid Lift by Upper Blepharoplasty Upper Blepharoplasty Leeds before and after pictures
Eyelid Lift by Upper Blepharoplasty Upper Blepharoplasty Leeds before and after pictures
Eyelid Lift by Upper Blepharoplasty Upper Blepharoplasty Leeds before and after pictures
Eyelid Lift by Upper Blepharoplasty Upper Blepharoplasty Leeds before and after pictures
Eyelid Lift by Upper Blepharoplasty Upper Blepharoplasty Leeds before and after pictures
Eyelid Lift by Upper Blepharoplasty Upper Blepharoplasty Leeds before and after pictures
Eyelid Lift by Upper Blepharoplasty Upper Blepharoplasty Leeds before and after pictures
Eyelid Lift by Upper Blepharoplasty Upper Blepharoplasty Leeds before and after pictures
Eyelid Lift by Upper Blepharoplasty Upper Blepharoplasty Leeds before and after pictures
Eyelid Lift by Upper Blepharoplasty Upper Blepharoplasty Leeds before and after pictures
Eyelid Lift by Upper Blepharoplasty Upper Blepharoplasty Leeds before and after pictures
Eyelid Lift by Upper Blepharoplasty
Upper Blepharoplasty Leeds before and after pictures
Eyelid Lift by Upper Blepharoplasty
Upper Blepharoplasty Leeds before and after pictures
Eyelid Lift by Upper Blepharoplasty Upper Blepharoplasty Leeds before and after pictures
Eyelid Lift by Upper Blepharoplasty Upper Blepharoplasty Leeds before and after pictures
Eyelid Lift by Upper Blepharoplasty Upper Blepharoplasty Leeds before and after pictures
Eyelid Lift by Upper Blepharoplasty Upper Blepharoplasty Leeds before and after pictures
Eyelid Lift by Upper Blepharoplasty Upper Blepharoplasty Leeds before and after pictures
Eyelid Lift by Upper Blepharoplasty Upper Blepharoplasty Leeds before and after pictures


Patient feedback is collected through our reviews partner, Feefo.

Patient Testimonials

Authentic feedback given by our patients after their surgery.

Upper Blepharoplasty Testimonial

Treated - 26/07/2023

"There are so many providers, I was really confused about what everything meant. From my research it seemed like the providers did the full range of cosmetic surgery treatments i.e. breast augmentation, tummy tuck etc. I did not feel like my ‘problem’ was at that end of the surgery spectrum.

In addition some websites talked about perhaps requiring a general anaesthetic for the upper eyelid surgery. Cost was also something that did come into play as well. From what I had seen the upper eyelid surgery cost between £3,000-£4,000, quite prohibitive for me.

I was apprehensive and unsure what to do and who to speak to for advice. I have a friend who had the procedure but she had it done in Harley Street. The waiting time to see that surgeon was 10 months (cost £4,000). I really did not want to travel to London. I found the whole process of trying to speak to someone for advice quite tricky i.e. there was a whole process you had to get into - paying a deposit to speak to a provider you possibly would not be using.

From the outset Skin Surgery Clinic felt different. No hard sell, no pressure to proceed. It felt like you did not need my business (not in a negative way), because you were confident in what you provided and happy to chat through the process via an initial telephone call (to the receptionist) and not via email ping pong. That was really important to me and very reassuring.

I was relieved and I felt from the initial contact that I would go ahead with the surgery and everything would be absolutely fine.

Life is the same, but I don’t look the same. I have eyelids. It is funny but I cannot remember what they looked like before the surgery. It feels like my upper eyelids have always looked like this. "
Upper Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)

Upper Blepharoplasty Testimonial

Treated - Spring 2023

"I had upper blepharoplasty on 12/6/23 with surgeon Mr Andy Williams. Everything has been flawless, from initial consultation to having my stitches removed.

The local anesthetic was as expected (stings a bit), but the actual procedure i literally didn't feel a thing. After the procedure i was looked after by Caroline who put a cool eye mask on me and went through the aftercare.

Mr Williams and the nurses made me feel at ease from the first minute.

I had my stitches removed today by Helena who was great (19/6/23) and the results are so much better than I expected. I have no bruising at all and very little swelling. I put this down to the way the surgery was done by the surgeon and the nurses.

After only 7 days the scars are healing better than I expected. A continuous stitch is used which is just pulled out by the nurse in a second and again pain free. The stitch is probably thinner than a human hair.
I'm very grateful to all the staff and i would definitely recommend this clinic to anyone."
Male, 45
Upper Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)

Upper Blepharoplasty Testimonial

Treated - Spring 2023

"If a minor ‘procedure’ could be called fantastic, this would be the one. I’m still utterly astounded by how easy the procedure was; the injection could barely be felt and the skin removal was not only painless but so quick. Mr Watt is a master.

The first few days are a bit alarming but after day 4 or 5 the swelling and bruising starts to calm and the results become apparent. I’m on day 10 now and I am amazed by the speed at which the eye area heals itself and, also, by the results. I don’t looked wide-eyed alarmed but, instead, I look refreshed. I would highly recommend this procedure and the Skin Clinic in Guiseley."
Female, 50s
Upper Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)

Upper Blepharoplasty Testimonial

Treated - 22/11/2022

"I would just like to say a huge thank you to Mr Mather and the team at skin clinic, I am truly amazed from the results I have had from the blepharoplasty surgery he performed on the 22/11/22 the whole procedure was perfect, the staff are lovely and I would highly recommend Mr Mather to any one who is thinking of having surgery.

5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ From me. Thank you."
Ms Brown
Upper Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)

Upper Blepharoplasty Testimonial

Treated - 29/04/2022

"I can't fault the service from booking to surgery and followup. Very professional and friendly. Mr Bains explained everything thoroughly, put me at ease and made sure I was fully aware of the pros and cons of the procedure.

On the day I found the staff excellent. Obviously I was a little frightened but I was soon feeling calm. The local anaesthetic really hurts! But after that it was nowhere near as unpleasant as I thought it was going to be.

The results are better than I expected. I'm amazed to be honest!"
Victoria Clegg
Upper Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)

Upper Blepharoplasty Testimonial

Treated - 15/03/2022

"It's changed my life. I will no longer get hit by branches when I’m gardening as I can see them now. Even an old giffer like me can get this procedure and see amazing results. I am so pleased and couldn’t recommend SSC enough."
Martin Revis
Upper Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)

Upper Blepharoplasty Testimonial

Treated - 03/03/2022

"I had put up with the weight on my eyes for far too long - sick of feeling and looking constantly tired. I chose Skin Surgery Clinic for the brilliant reviews and professional approach. The booking process was quick, easy and straightforward - can't fault it.

I found my surgeon very personable - made the whole experience a pleasant one. Good sense of humour, put me at ease immediately.

On the day I found it just great, very caring and professional.

Recovery was just as I was told it would be, got better every day, nothing was too much trouble."
Anne Harrison
Upper Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)

Upper Blepharoplasty Testimonial

Treated - 01/03/2022

"Quick and easy process with fantastic results, definitely recommend them!

I had Blepharoplasty surgery as had baggy eyelids and wanted to look younger as I approach my 50th birthday. From booking the initial consultation through to having surgery the process was quick and easy. Surgery itself only took 90 mins from walking in/out of the door! Staff were friendly and the clinic was clean and very well organised."
Louise Coxon
Upper Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)

Before and Shortly After:

Upper Blepharoplasty Testimonial

Treated - 14/12/2021

"Mr Watt was brilliant, explained every detail. All staff were lovely and caring; the nurse alongside Mr Watt was very reassuring.

I was given cool packs and full aftercare advice. The recovery was straightforward and all healed well."
Lynne Davis
Upper Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)

Upper Blepharoplasty Testimonial

Treated - 07/12/2021

"Amazing! So so good!

I found the booking process extremely easy and straight forward. I just filled out an online consultation form and the next day a nurse called me to explain the procedure and what the next steps were. After some research into the clinic and the surgeons I booked in.

I found the consultation was very informative. Mr Mather was great and answered all my questions in detail. He was very efficient and there was no delays or wait time.

Before surgery I was nervous but like with the consultation I didn’t need to wait, I was straight in. Mr Mather and Katie the nurse assisting asked if I would rather talk and be distracted or left in peace during. As I was quite nervous the silence was exactly what I wanted. I was never in any pain or discomfort during the surgery it just felt quite strange. Especially when they placed the gel in my eyes which made my vision blurry but that went away after a while.

The gel eye mask which you are given after surgery felt amazing to use. It soothed and calmed the eye area and I used them religiously along with the other aftercare advice. It did look like I had been punched to being with, but it didn’t last long and within 7 days all the bruising had disappeared.

I choose Skin Surgery Clinic after doing lots of research into the Surgery and clinics that provide this service. I picked Mr Mather after reading his Bio and watching his video as there was something about him. I am not sure what it was but I’m very glad I did.

A customer of mine had hers done a few years ago and saw how different it made her feel and look I knew I wanted it too. My eyes were always tired and irritable and I wish I had done it sooner. I did start by going through the hospital but after not getting anywhere I thought id take the plunge and go privately."
Ellie Bashforth
Upper Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)

Upper Blepharoplasty Testimonial

Treated - 05/11/2021

"Everyone was lovely and they went above and beyond!

I attended the Skin Surgery Clinic for my upper blepharoplasty procedure. I feel really great after the procedure I’ve healed really well! The booking process was really easy, I found it hard to find a date as I work shifts but the date we found eventually worked perfectly. The consultation was really informative and I found it really beneficial. The procedure on the day went well the local anaesthetic stung but after that I didn’t feel any pain at all and I felt relaxed. The staff at the clinic from reception to the nurses and Mr Bains were great and I had no issues with them at all, everyone was lovely and they went above and beyond to help me through my procedure. The aftercare given was informative and I was given a sheet with everything on as well as the nurse explaining it to me. I did bruise a lot more than I expected however it cleared up very quickly I had no pain at all after the procedure just took two painkillers after the procedure and had no pain at all after. I would recommend the clinic to anyone the whole process was brilliant I couldn’t fault it. Five star!"
Female, 50s
Upper Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)

Upper Blepharoplasty Testimonial

Treated - 01/11/2021

"Everyone has noticed, I look awake!

The booking process was fine and very straight forward. I found the consultation with Mr Williams great he answered all my questions and informed me well so I came away knowing everything I should. Mr Williams was super chatty which made me feel at ease throughout the procedure. I felt no pain before during or after and he was so gentle when numbing the area. Each member of staff I came into contact with were very friendly and welcoming. I was very surprised how quickly I recovered there was not much bruising, and the swelling went down super quick too. Three months on from my surgery and I feel fully recovered almost like I had never had the problem before. Everyone I have met since the procedure has commented on how wide awake I look and how this has change my whole face. I would 100% recommend you to anyone who is thinking about it. Out of 5 I would give you a 5/5 and my husband says a 6/5."
Upper Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)

Upper Blepharoplasty Testimonial

Treated - 26/10/2021

"Without a doubt I’d recommend Skin Surgery Clinic.

Fantastic!! Not one person has commented how tired I look! Booking was brilliant, simple and easy. Consultation was straightforward Mr Watt was very understanding of my issues, honest about the outcome, totally satisfied. I was nervous about the procedure, very nervous but it turned out that I needed have been in fact it was calm and strangely relaxing! Completely painless. No pain at all a little swelling and nothing more. The take away pack with swabs, sterile water and gel eye masks x2 (kept in the fridge) were a lovely bonus, they were great to help reduce the small amount of swelling. Visually my recovery looked great after only 5 days! Every day it’s got better and I feel I'm fully recovered now. I had full makeup done including my eyes for a wedding in early December and if I do say so myself my eyes look fabulous !! All staff in the clinic were fantastic , helpful, informative knowledgeable and happy. Without a doubt I’d recommend Skin Surgery Clinic, I have already recommended you to 3 male friends! I don't mind you using my real details, I'm proud of my eyes they look great, I feel great and don't mind the world knowing I've had this surgery."
Annie Hedges
Upper Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)

Upper Blepharoplasty Testimonial

Treated - 16/09/2021

"Results are perfect! 5*****

My sister in law actually had this procedure done at your clinic and her results were amazing so I wanted the same. I’d recommend this clinic 100%.

Everything was very good. The surgeon Mr Bains was so lovely and made me feel at ease. All staff I dealt with were very professional and the results are perfect."
Mrs V Neal
Upper Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)

Upper Blepharoplasty Testimonial

Treated - 13/09/2021

"5* - I feel great & my confidence is high

I chose Skin Surgery Clinic because I did lots of investigation and read many reviews, I wasn’t bothered that id have to travel because of all the positive reviews. The staff were really friendly and couldn’t do enough to reassure me.

The surgeon was fantastic chatting away to put me at ease, him and the nurse worked in perfect harmony. At one point I started feeling anxious the nurse sensed it and comforted me reducing my anxiety levels.

10 weeks on I feel great, confidence is high. I have already recommended the clinic to others."
Amanda Alderson
Upper Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)

Upper Blepharoplasty Testimonial

Treated - 16/09/2021

"Very happy with results! 5 stars!

I googled clinics that did the procedure & checked out the reviews!

Fully explained what to expect during & after surgery. Reassurance in talking through the procedure as it was happening. Great aftercare with gel eye masks provided to assist with swelling & healing, with Also follow up appointment a week after for suture removal. 4 weeks on you can see a vast improvement but explained that full results can take 3 to 6 months."
Samantha Mitchell
Upper Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)

Upper Blepharoplasty Testimonial

Treated - 10/08/2021

"Very Happy. Excellent experience, easy , well informed, no fuss, practical, efficient.

I was recommended the clinic by a family friend

I would recommend the surgeon and clinic."
Anita Burton
Upper Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)

Upper Blepharoplasty Testimonial

Treated - 28/06/2021

"First Class from start to finish! 5 Stars

Dr Williams put me at ease from the initial consultation to the day of the procedure.

I am so happy with the results and should I want any further procedures I would absolutely recommend the team here in Guiseley. Thank you so much!"
Female, 60s
Upper Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)

Upper Blepharoplasty Testimonial

Treated - 14/06/2021

"Two of my friends have already booked in. 5 Star review

I was surprised with the way I looked after the treatment but it did heal very quickly and the bruising and swelling went down quickly. I was told the time scale after the surgery of the swelling and bruising to go down was about 1 week – 10 days and the timings for everything I was told was spot on, in fact it healed much quicker than this.

The results I have are brilliant, people have noticed how much better my eyes look and the surgery has exceeded my expectations. My sister is really jealous and wants to book in herself as well as a few other friends! I choose this clinic as it is local and you are only there an hour and half, unlike a hospital where you could be there all day and night, this was a lot quicker and I felt more comfortable knowing I didn’t have to be there long, I was in and out.

The surgery has made a huge difference for such a small procedure, I’m so pleased I had this done."
Female, 40s
Upper Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)

Upper Blepharoplasty Testimonial

Treated - 12/05/2021


Outstanding from all staff who work here and the Consultant who did my consultation and procedure. Reassured all the way through my operation.

I would definitely recommend this clinic. Thank you for making my experience comfortable."
Female, 50s
Upper Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)

Upper Blepharoplasty Testimonial

Treated - 12/05/2021

"100% I would recommend! Very Happy!

The service was excellent.

Very professional and organised service I was able to book in quickly especially with the current covid situation.

I found the clinic to be very hygienic.

Mr. Andrew Williams was so lovely and made me feel at ease."
Alison Foster
Upper Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)

Upper Blepharoplasty Testimonial

Treated - 26/04/2021

"Better than I'd hoped for!

This clinic has a really nice relaxed atmosphere and everything about the upper eyelid surgery was clearly explained to me in the consultation by Mr Bains.

I had absolutely no pain during or after the operation and now only 3 months later the scars are barely visible.

I am extremely pleased with the result which is fantastic and so much better than I ever hoped for. A big Thank You to Mr Bains and all of the team."
Susan Crabtree
Upper Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)

Upper Blepharoplasty Testimonial

Treated - 22/04/2021

"Informative, very caring and results are excellent

Very good service, helpful staff and consultant, results look excellent."
Female, 60s
Upper Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)

Upper Blepharoplasty Testimonial

Treated - 15/04/2021

"I had eye surgery and am very pleased with the results and care I received.

Excellent care received by Mr Watt and staff. If you are thinking of having eye lid surgery you will receive a consultation that will give you all the info you need without any pressure and, what I found very reassuring, you are able to have time to decide if you want to go ahead with your surgery.

Really pleased I've had the surgery, when I look in the mirror now I look like my eyes are open and I can see them. May even wear some eye makeup in the future."
Suzanne Dixon
Upper Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)

Upper Blepharoplasty Testimonial

Treated - 07/04/2021

"Everyone was so professional and very friendly, putting me at ease as I am an anxious person.

It has taken years off me as I had very hooded eye lids that obscured my vision.

I am loving putting eye shadow on again, it’s just great."
Martine Dolan
Upper Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)

Upper Blepharoplasty Testimonial

Treated - 08/03/2021

"5 stars, especially during Covid.

Very professional. Found the clinic online. Procedure explained correctly and in detail. Quick and efficient, I got booked in for procedure straight away without a long wait. Follow up was positive. It was all amazing."
Upper Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)

Upper Blepharoplasty Testimonial

Treated - 08/02/2021

"I have been a patient at the clinic for many years so I already had the trust. The consultation was really informative and reassuring.

When I had the surgery it was done quicker than I expected. I was worried and scared with the surgery being on my eyelids but there was nothing to worry about at all.

The injection was most worrying, but it was fine and didn’t take long I could only feel pressure. After the procedure there was redness, swelling and slight bruising but this went down quickly. I had planned on not doing anything for the next 5-7 days after the procedure but it didn’t look as bad as I thought it would after. I could feel my eyes tightening but it wasn’t unpleasant. I did come in after the procedure I was worried about a stitch and everyone was so helpful. I got in straight away and the nurse reassured me it wasn’t a stitch and I felt much better. When I did come back for the stitches removing, again I was worried it would hurt but it was over before I knew it and didn’t hurt at all.

I’m really happy with the results and I wish I had had it done much sooner than I did. It was really easy and straight forward and I would recommend the clinic to anyone. It would cost twice as much if I went to a hospital to have it done and I wouldn’t hesitate to tell people about having the procedure here.
Upper Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)

Upper Blepharoplasty Testimonial

Treated - 07/01/2021

"The clinic came recommended by professionals. And I would definitely recommend this clinic and Surgeon for Upper Blepharoplasty!

I had my eyelids done in January this year after being recommended to this surgeon and clinic by someone at an aesthetic clinic in Harrogate as this lady had had the procedure done and her eyes looked amazing. You can see from my before and after photos that it’s made such a big difference and my eyes feels like my own again, as over the last 10 years they were completely hooded!

The surgeon, Nurses and reception staff at this clinic were all Amazing, all so friendly helpful and caring! Thank you so much."
Moya Martinez
Upper Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)