Raymond had irritation and tiredness caused by his eyelids before he came for treatment.
“My right eyelid had drooped significantly and was actually pushing my eyelashes into my eye making it very uncomfortable.
My left eye had also drooped and was affecting my peripheral vision.
My eyes often felt tired. It was very frustrating and impacting my quality of life, making day to day tasks difficult.
The reviews of Skin Surgery Clinic were very good, I could get the problem solved very quickly and the clinic location was very convenient for me.
I felt great in the knowledge that I could get relief from the discomfort and the tiredness in the eyes.
Now my eyes are vastly improved with further improvement hopefully as things heal fully. I am very happy with the results and during a visit to my former workplace (I retired 3 years ago), my colleagues noticed the difference and how good I looked).
I would recommend Skin Surgery Clinic, in fact I have already recommended to a former colleague.”